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Suite 2, Hiltop Plaza, No. 13 Gwani Street, Wuse zone 4, F.C.T, Abuja Nigeria.

We just wanted to note that our teaching is necessarily marked by this constant struggle against capitalist decay.

But the book is neither the only nor the only instructor educator. Avoid especially in hard current period, it continues to be the corrupter, the destructive forces of the proletariat which has more need than ever. C. FREINET. (1) The Charmers Children, ed. Baudiniere. (2) Laby-HOLLEBECQUE L’Enfant, a cause of future (ed Sagittarius, Paris.).

Author Freinet Print
2 Results CR meetings GD66 2015-2016 By the Alexandrine Gerrer 07/28/16 – 3:38 p.m. In: GD 66 – Pyrenees-Orientales minutes Meeting teaching principles> co> co classroom teaching principles> term-creation> school organization creativity> teaching team teaching principles> cooperation> rules of life Here is a compilation of reports of our meetings this year – November 7, 2015, in Roquefort des Corbieres aritculation work plan and schedule / reading CP – December 5, 2105, to Pia speaking time for colleagues in difficulty / activities to focus in class – January 16, 2016, in Perpignan: realization of a collective mind map on the worktop Add comment Read more 20 attachments Minutes of the meeting of the GD66 for Alexandrine Gerrer 11/26/14 – 11:19 p.m.

in: GD 66 – Pyrenees Ori ental account Meeting School organization> rural school following the minutes of our last meeting was a class visit (CM1, CM2; Los Masos). Add a comment Read more 3 attachments
In: The Proletarian Educator Publishing Printing at the School For Teachers review in December 1932 Comrades were surprised that the manager of this journal has chosen the title The Educator Proletarian.

Maybe they thought the atmosphere of calm and austerity that some people dream about popular education. Alas! No more than we gave to a pedagogical task monopolizes completely and puts it in the regrettable inability to make any political activism. But no one will also claimed more strongly to snatch an enemy municipality of the school, the compliance with minimal concern for the health and education of children.

Result! Because the Mayor said: We have had enough! after swearing that he preferred “that closes all classes of the village,” an abominable slander campaign has suddenly emerged. Posters have lined the walls of St-Paul, saying, in the same places where two hundred educators from all countries came once glorify and enjoy our open, that Freinet is a bad educator of youth, while three quarters of parents wanted to give us rave certificates are our best comfort.

We even saw Sunday, December 4, the Mayor of St. Paul invade the courtyard of the school in defiance of the law, taking behind him i do homework
, and exciting against us calotine and reactionaries who, at the end of Vespers, had protested against my teaching. And in this clique of a dozen people, only two parents had dared to take place.

One of the protesters is a bourgeois place that sends his two children to the Catholic school in the neighboring town; another father sends his son in a convent has a third child in a church school. All other were single and without children. It is not here that we will protest against similar processes that we will not leave without reaction. We just wanted to note that our teaching is necessarily marked by this constant struggle against capitalist decay.

And it is in this sense that we have done well to ask the study and development of the education of our working class. Author Freinet Print
1 to 10 from 95 Results FTJ # 95 – Our apple juice In: FTJ – Publishing literature ICEM For students> Elementary For students> plug College Science and Techno> Technologies middle of Study Teaching Techniques> subscription retrieval October 2014 Add new comment Read more 1 attachment FTJ 94 – Jordan In: FTJ – Publishing literature ICEM For students> elementary For students> plug College History Geo> History Geo> Geography teaching techniques> subscription retrieval September 2014 Add new comment Read more 1 attachment FTJ 93 – a goat farm in: FTJ – Publishing literature ICEM for students> elementary for students> plug College Science and Techno> Sciences life and Earth middle of Study teaching Techniques> research documentary subscription June 2014 Add new comment Read more 1 attachment FTJ No.

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In: Training Records Educator CEL For teachers journal Training and research> Training May 1980 Summary December 1932 See the entire number in pdf The Proletarian Educator Readings for our children?

Educators Proletariens story through images Towards a renewal of the teaching of history in primary school for our School Cooperative Our Work File Library File The calculation Geline C.E.L. The Life of our Group with the child for the child Educational Esperanto Cinema: The standard movie Radio: Radio tendentious Discs International Documentation: USSR, The Sixth Congress of New Education, Germany, England, Bulgaria Engineering in children the new school buildings in Switzerland About the rural school Books the educator Proletarian> Print

1 result Results Europe at School In: National Education> Teaching Building Inspection Eastern edited by a Departmental Group For teachers reviewed September 1979 Author: Agnes Zumbiehl More
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